Tuesday, January 27, 2009

HELLOOOOOO. It's the last day of our CNY break already ! Ohman. zzz....
Well, CNY celebration in school on Friday was cool. There's the liondance, party w o8s414 the loveliest class eventhough we didn't win the noticeboard competition when we thought we would, the chopchillichop/"xxx stupid.. xxx stupid"/silly gunshooting games, the well-organised concert and teacher's armwrestling contest. hahahaha. Then there was training. Leg really ouched ! and our team dinner was at s11 instead of simpang cause training ended too late and we were too impatient/hungry to wait for the bus. See, this is MSG ! :D and yeah, baby went back to Malaysia that night for CNY. and my Dad had to rub it in and ask "why you never go w him?" LOL. As if I don't need to spend my CNY w my own family like that !
So, CNY eve was spent at home, finishing up tutorials and catching up a bit on Arenes cause obviously I've forgotten what's covered. Then a simple reunion dinner that my mum cooked. Some pizzahut for supper. Kill me w all the fats and carbos. Watched tv and fell asleep somehow. Mediacorp is plain boring. :/
First day of CNY, Steamboat at Ahma's place. The usual eating and watching concerts. SHOW LUO ZHI XIANG is the king ! buahahahahaha. Then cousins came, blahblah. Camwhored ! Then I guess ladyluck visited me over at granddad's place. Won some extrapocket money ! yaaay. yaaay. yaaay. But again, no point, all my savings will somehow go to paying funds which is v v v v v superbly frustrating to me. Jenny knows my heartache man. Reached home at near 12pm.
Today's the second day, Baby's finally coming back ! Just received an sms from him. hehehehehe. And yeah, gonna be watching "the wedding game" later on w my siblings and dear cousins. Don't know if baby's gonna come w us. Okay, I'm hungry already. Shall go have lunch and work on my t-shirt designs. Photos on CNY will be up on shutterfly soon. :D
Becks feeling v v v hungry;
signing out, xoxo.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Hrgh. Becks' really turning into Little Miss Grumpy given the tight schedules and long hours in school. What to do, it's the A levels we're sitting for, not O levels anymore. So exhausted, all energy drained away. But it's relieving because I'm actually starting to make sense out of the concepts instead of merely plain memorising, especially for Chem. So I guess sitting in the first row of the LT isn't that bad afterall.
busy w Orientation
busy w Road Race
busy w tutorials/assignments
busy w tests
busy w trainings
busy w never-ending meetings
Gosh, supergirl's back in action.
Not gonna give up because I wanna do well for March Block test,
then I'll safely secure a place for the Econs London Trip in June.
My mummy says YESSSSSS !
and I really wanna go, though I'll surely miss baby a lot.
zzz, okay, my eye hurts, gotta go rest.
Been running too much as well my leg hurts.
p.s, baby I miss you.
Becks' feeling anticipated;
signing out, xoxo.
busy w Orientation
busy w Road Race
busy w tutorials/assignments
busy w tests
busy w trainings
busy w never-ending meetings
Gosh, supergirl's back in action.
Not gonna give up because I wanna do well for March Block test,
then I'll safely secure a place for the Econs London Trip in June.
My mummy says YESSSSSS !
and I really wanna go, though I'll surely miss baby a lot.
zzz, okay, my eye hurts, gotta go rest.
Been running too much as well my leg hurts.
p.s, baby I miss you.
Becks' feeling anticipated;
signing out, xoxo.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
ohwell, it's been the first week in school in 2009 and Becks exhausted already. Probably because we rushed through so many things or maybe it's the increasingly intensive soccer trainings. But yeah, what to do. Pushing hard because I believe in "CONSISTENCY" and not "PROCRASTINATE". Dr William Tan came to speak to us, the new batch of JC2s and I guess, I was somehow a lil motivated. Hope this burning desire won't die off.
1. Becks' v v proud of you Lydia, you did well !
2. Becks, press on because coach is not leaving us anymore !
3. Becks, press on because DSA girls are coming in !
4. Phobos Road Race following tightly after orientation ! People, do sign up if you're interested !
5. Becks saved $270 from Jan 12 till now.
6. Becks should continue to eat less, save more, shop more.
7. Becks' gonna go apply for POSB debit card tomorrow, the one Shaun has !
8. School's never the same w/o the full o8s414 strength.
GOGO BECKS, tomorrow's Saturday so you should go and sleep now to compensate all the lost hours over the week & also to save some energy to have some quality time w your baby.
Becks feeling aches all over;
signing out, xoxo.
1. Becks' v v proud of you Lydia, you did well !
2. Becks, press on because coach is not leaving us anymore !
3. Becks, press on because DSA girls are coming in !
4. Phobos Road Race following tightly after orientation ! People, do sign up if you're interested !
5. Becks saved $270 from Jan 12 till now.
6. Becks should continue to eat less, save more, shop more.
7. Becks' gonna go apply for POSB debit card tomorrow, the one Shaun has !
8. School's never the same w/o the full o8s414 strength.
GOGO BECKS, tomorrow's Saturday so you should go and sleep now to compensate all the lost hours over the week & also to save some energy to have some quality time w your baby.
Becks feeling aches all over;
signing out, xoxo.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
haiyyyaaaah ! school's reopening tomorrow !
Okay, I must admit, I'm excited, not about the tests definitely, but because I get to see all my girlfriends &schoolmates ! HAH. Dyed my hair already so it's entirely brown now, no more gold strands. Hope I pass the attire check tomorrowso I won't have to redye it. and I have no idea who our new civics tutor is. nevermind, I'll know it tomorrow morning. hehehehehehe. Everything's gonna be back to how it was... baby waking me up at 5.30am every morning, brush my teeth, bathe, put on my school uniform, and dragging myself to the interchange, sleeping through my 39 bus ride or plain mugging if there's test on that day, go canteen for my vitasoy, assembly, lectures, breaks, tutorial, breaks, school ends/training goes on, go fetch baby or the other way round he comes over, go home, bathe, eat, study, sleep. Guess that's how my 2009 routine will be. and yup, I'll be spending less money eating during breaks so girlfriends, don't tempt me okay? reason being, I wanna save more money, and also save more time for tutorials so I can go home and do nothing but rest/maybe revise on j1's work. Gonna go register for a POSB card some time this week and start working on t-shirt designs for my boss and contact hexun. money, money, money, here I come.
and hope lady luck will be w baby tomorrow.
Becks' feeling sleepy;
signing out, xoxo.
Okay, I must admit, I'm excited, not about the tests definitely, but because I get to see all my girlfriends &schoolmates ! HAH. Dyed my hair already so it's entirely brown now, no more gold strands. Hope I pass the attire check tomorrowso I won't have to redye it. and I have no idea who our new civics tutor is. nevermind, I'll know it tomorrow morning. hehehehehehe. Everything's gonna be back to how it was... baby waking me up at 5.30am every morning, brush my teeth, bathe, put on my school uniform, and dragging myself to the interchange, sleeping through my 39 bus ride or plain mugging if there's test on that day, go canteen for my vitasoy, assembly, lectures, breaks, tutorial, breaks, school ends/training goes on, go fetch baby or the other way round he comes over, go home, bathe, eat, study, sleep. Guess that's how my 2009 routine will be. and yup, I'll be spending less money eating during breaks so girlfriends, don't tempt me okay? reason being, I wanna save more money, and also save more time for tutorials so I can go home and do nothing but rest/maybe revise on j1's work. Gonna go register for a POSB card some time this week and start working on t-shirt designs for my boss and contact hexun. money, money, money, here I come.
and hope lady luck will be w baby tomorrow.
Becks' feeling sleepy;
signing out, xoxo.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
HAHAHAHAHA. My baby's coming back in a few hours' time and zzz, have to return him his blanket that he'd left w me for safeguarding. I'm so excited to see him and my presents. "kekeszx" hahahaha. lol. and why am I back on blogger? Because I've finally finished revising my two most hated topics for chem; chem bonding and ionic equilibria. I shall start on/finish my gsc project/do maths(again!zzz) tomorrow, then back to start on my favourite organic chem revision. Anyway, I'm craving for more Gelare waffles after yesterday's lovely Gelare trip w the team at downtown e-hub. But I still think nothing beats b&j icecream & royce chocolates. Okay, Ima go eat dinner.
Note to self:
It's gonna be a crazymuggingrush,
a test of perservance,
but it ain't gonna put me down
because I know
the fittest will survive. :)
"When there's a will, there's a way."-my belief.
Becks feeling inspired;
signing out, xoxo.
Note to self:
It's gonna be a crazymuggingrush,
a test of perservance,
but it ain't gonna put me down
because I know
the fittest will survive. :)
"When there's a will, there's a way."-my belief.
Becks feeling inspired;
signing out, xoxo.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Becks should seriously wake up now. I hate myself for digressing and not doing proper revision. School's reopening in another week's time and I have this feeling I've not accomplished much over the holidays. So if I really can't keep up in j2, then serve me right okay?zzz. Since baby is overseas now, and I have no money for shopping and there's no much training session going on, I should seriously take this chance to revise for the coming chem test. So, I shall let my vaio rest more these days, and lilpaperheart.bs.com shall be stagnant until the 7th. muggermode/thesmartsexy. till then, miss me ! &Imissbaby, my nerdycool.
Saturday, January 03, 2009

Haha. This photo looks like my silly baby who's about to fly off to Vietnam for OCIP till the 7th. Yeah, cute right ! Just wanna say, take good care of yourself over there, don't cry in front of the kids eventhough you miss me or you start thinking about yesterday's incident at hockey training okay ! I'll be quite busy in school for orientation preparation plus mugging for chemistry test so don't worry. and my mummy seems to be in a better mood alr, I'm telling her where I'm going and eating my meals at home for these days, so you can sleep at ease and have fun over there. Will wait for the 7th to see you and my presents ! Come back in a piece my boy. Meanwhile, I shall go back to snuggle into your blanket. :) love you.
Becks feeling chirpy;
signing out, xoxo.
Thursday, January 01, 2009
It's 2009 already so Happy New Year to all !
Well... 2008 was really an exciting, bullet-train year. There's the good old PAE times at Innova with the brothers/0823c/adastra, the valentines' day surprises. There's also the times we went chilling together (w the brothers) till late nights in clarke quay, marina blahblah. Then results came, hesitated but decided to leave Innova afterall and stepped into Meridian where I embarked on a new journey. Finally a school out of the North Area, a school w a field I fell in love w at first sight. Then on, soccer undoubtedly became an important part of my JC life, an immediate passion w a team of girls who on every Monday waits for the school bell to ring at 5.05pm and rushes out of the LT to the field. I've also got a wonderful bunch of girls, lovers' club in lovely s414 to bloghop/bitch/peoplewatch/parade during breaks. Also, the house spirits were so strong, after the colosseum events and cheerleading, I was officially induced into the Hall of House leaders as Phobos Secretary on my birthday. Yeah, 4 birthdaycakes this year for my birthday, w another cakesmash on the field by my 12 other teammates, and many presents, and a simple dinner w the brothers and my then newfoundlove, Mr Sim. Finally we got together on the o7o8o8 and life became even more enjoyable w him eversince. But things on my to-do-lists gets more and more and keeps repeating- tutorials, test, PW, soccer, HC. Was lost inititally even after I totally flunked my midyears w horrendous results which was a real painful slap in my face. PW brought us pain again and again, but it ended well. Guess I managed to pick up somehow somewhere and did better for the promo exams. Hmm, mugging pays off, see !
So 2009 is here and of course, a new year comes w new year resolutions !
1. An A for PW grade.
2. Be in first 11 for A divs, top 4 again !
3. Ironwomen for NAPFA again !
4. Spend less money on taxi and food.
5. No more skipping lectures/tutorials/sleeping in gsc class.
6. Of course, good exam grades, and for the As.
08's slogan for self was CONSUME.
09's one shall be: ENJOY.
{you don't have to understand it cause it's for myself.}
Actually, I'm already thinking about all the fun that's coming after this year's As. hahahahahaha. Like, my 18th birthday celebration, I want it a blast ! and M18 movies, alcohol legally, club legally, shopping, spas. whoaaaaa, shiok. and I wanna meet my dear lydia and litong soon. But all in all, I wish that baby will stay by me through 2009. May it be a splendid year this year ! :)
Becks' feeling nerdy;
signing out, xoxo.
Well... 2008 was really an exciting, bullet-train year. There's the good old PAE times at Innova with the brothers/0823c/adastra, the valentines' day surprises. There's also the times we went chilling together (w the brothers) till late nights in clarke quay, marina blahblah. Then results came, hesitated but decided to leave Innova afterall and stepped into Meridian where I embarked on a new journey. Finally a school out of the North Area, a school w a field I fell in love w at first sight. Then on, soccer undoubtedly became an important part of my JC life, an immediate passion w a team of girls who on every Monday waits for the school bell to ring at 5.05pm and rushes out of the LT to the field. I've also got a wonderful bunch of girls, lovers' club in lovely s414 to bloghop/bitch/peoplewatch/parade during breaks. Also, the house spirits were so strong, after the colosseum events and cheerleading, I was officially induced into the Hall of House leaders as Phobos Secretary on my birthday. Yeah, 4 birthdaycakes this year for my birthday, w another cakesmash on the field by my 12 other teammates, and many presents, and a simple dinner w the brothers and my then newfoundlove, Mr Sim. Finally we got together on the o7o8o8 and life became even more enjoyable w him eversince. But things on my to-do-lists gets more and more and keeps repeating- tutorials, test, PW, soccer, HC. Was lost inititally even after I totally flunked my midyears w horrendous results which was a real painful slap in my face. PW brought us pain again and again, but it ended well. Guess I managed to pick up somehow somewhere and did better for the promo exams. Hmm, mugging pays off, see !
So 2009 is here and of course, a new year comes w new year resolutions !
1. An A for PW grade.
2. Be in first 11 for A divs, top 4 again !
3. Ironwomen for NAPFA again !
4. Spend less money on taxi and food.
5. No more skipping lectures/tutorials/sleeping in gsc class.
6. Of course, good exam grades, and for the As.
08's slogan for self was CONSUME.
09's one shall be: ENJOY.
{you don't have to understand it cause it's for myself.}
Actually, I'm already thinking about all the fun that's coming after this year's As. hahahahahaha. Like, my 18th birthday celebration, I want it a blast ! and M18 movies, alcohol legally, club legally, shopping, spas. whoaaaaa, shiok. and I wanna meet my dear lydia and litong soon. But all in all, I wish that baby will stay by me through 2009. May it be a splendid year this year ! :)
Becks' feeling nerdy;
signing out, xoxo.