HELLOOOOOO. It's the last day of our CNY break already ! Ohman. zzz....
Well, CNY celebration in school on Friday was cool. There's the liondance, party w o8s414 the loveliest class eventhough we didn't win the noticeboard competition when we thought we would, the chopchillichop/"xxx stupid.. xxx stupid"/silly gunshooting games, the well-organised concert and teacher's armwrestling contest. hahahaha. Then there was training. Leg really ouched ! and our team dinner was at s11 instead of simpang cause training ended too late and we were too impatient/hungry to wait for the bus. See, this is MSG ! :D and yeah, baby went back to Malaysia that night for CNY. and my Dad had to rub it in and ask "why you never go w him?" LOL. As if I don't need to spend my CNY w my own family like that !
So, CNY eve was spent at home, finishing up tutorials and catching up a bit on Arenes cause obviously I've forgotten what's covered. Then a simple reunion dinner that my mum cooked. Some pizzahut for supper. Kill me w all the fats and carbos. Watched tv and fell asleep somehow. Mediacorp is plain boring. :/
First day of CNY, Steamboat at Ahma's place. The usual eating and watching concerts. SHOW LUO ZHI XIANG is the king ! buahahahahaha. Then cousins came, blahblah. Camwhored ! Then I guess ladyluck visited me over at granddad's place. Won some extrapocket money ! yaaay. yaaay. yaaay. But again, no point, all my savings will somehow go to paying funds which is v v v v v superbly frustrating to me. Jenny knows my heartache man. Reached home at near 12pm.
Today's the second day, Baby's finally coming back ! Just received an sms from him. hehehehehe. And yeah, gonna be watching "the wedding game" later on w my siblings and dear cousins. Don't know if baby's gonna come w us. Okay, I'm hungry already. Shall go have lunch and work on my t-shirt designs. Photos on CNY will be up on shutterfly soon. :D
Becks feeling v v v hungry;
signing out, xoxo.
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