Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
So PW results was finally released and I'm really impressed w MJ's performance. 95.5% As and the remaining Bs. Needless to say, a genius like me got an A. HAHA, kidding kidding, you can subtract away the genius part. Congratulations to all and kudos to the PW warriors. and... Colosseum registration have started. Any Phobos members dying to run for track events or play dodgeball/bomberball/caesar's challenge? Hahahaha. If you are, please come to me and sign up okay? Cause Phobos' the best !
DANGDANGDANGDANG. The moment's here, it's the A divs.
Job well done on last match, let's press on and fight this war together MSG !
Keep trying, keep this going BECKS. (The photos of the girls with the burst chunli ball on Huihoon's blog were really one-of-a-kind, classic!)
Anyway, I had a real terrible nightmare last night like what happened during last year's chalet w the class 08s414. The moment I closed my eyes, I see snakes falling on my bed and all over the floor. The only thing different was that Jenny, Edinna and Joseph weren't around. I got so scared I practically cried, yeah, laugh all you want. zzz. Guess it's because I saw snakes on a TV commercial ad. Only fell asleep at like 4? and I feel really sorry for baby cause he accompanied me through the night and didn't have much sleep and he has training at like goddamn 8am. :(
But I'm fine now, and baby's gonna come soon again w my sushis. Gonna go watch the remaining parts of legally blonde 1 and get some laughs before slogging on tutorials and SPA/time trials again. Cheers to all fellow muggers out there !
Becks feeling contented;
signing out, xoxo.
Monday, April 06, 2009

Happy 8th monthsary my dear. I've so much to say to you and I can really never thank you enough for all the times you stood by me. Gonna call you now and I can't wait for tomorrow cause you're bringing me out for dinner after so many days oif chewing on my medicine pills. I love you, truly and wholeheartedly and that's really all that you need to know, at least for now. :)
----------------------------------------- (edited)
This is us at compass lesson doing some collage thingy.
School's been pretty much the same for these days w the stress level piling and weekly tests and banding. 2 more days to A Div, and I'm not in the best of my health to perform yet. One word to sum it all, "pressure". But like the self-written quote on the first page of my organiser goes, "we can achieve, if we believe." Again, it's all up there, the mental state. I can do anything as long as I have the courage to dream and the will to pursue it. That's what I believe in. :)
signingout, xoxo
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Took back some papers and yeah, as predicted, results suck. Actually, not too bad considering the many failed attempts in preparation. Hahaha. Of course, there's not much time left.
6 more days to start of tournament.
and 2 more months to mid years.
There's not much time left to turn these lousy grades into straight As.
But again, my focus is on BOLA. I can't turn it back.
I'm so sorry I suck in this.
and Dean, my name is Becky and not Patsy.
Fazli, my bf's name is Xinkai and not Xiaokun.
lol, jokers.
Becks' feeling aches all over;
signing out, xoxo.
Monday, March 30, 2009
To think of it, there's only 2 terms left to turn all my lousy grades into straight As or at least, something decent, so I can go up to the stage and shake Ms Lai's hand next year.
You know, sometimes, I feel so pressurized w people's expectations of me. When you don't do well, people will gossip behind your back, questioning why, saying this and that that is totally untrue. When you do well, they'll congratulate you accompanied w a little tinge of jealousy. This is the reality, the ugly side. It's just too competitive, so much so I get really flared up... and now, I'm feeling plain apathetic. The v much screwed-up system has moulded people in such a way that it becomes irreversible. Little did we know of it until we experience this living hell by ourselves. I guess that's the main reason for my gradual change in attitude... It's uncontrollable and comes so naturally.
I'm not saying that we're all like that. Of course, there are still some really nice souls around who's really happy for your success and also be there when you fail. I really appreciate the v few of you who's standing by me and loving me all along. I love you all, really, baby, teammates, lydia, tong, marissa, ethel, paul, jiajian ..... You guys are the reason I can garner my strength to overcome the odds. Thank you, a million times.
and sometimes, I guess it's just not nice to be "over-enthusiastic", echoing what the authority says, and think that it should be done your way because it's for everybody's good. It's way too bossy my dear.
Becks' feeling indifferent;
signing out, xoxo.