Hello earthlings ! I am soooooo lethargic ever since yesterday's training session.
Hrgh. It was quite a good one, considering it's the first time I played a striker.
(and yaaaa Mak, the way I kick is not funny. -.-
you'd better apologise or I'll confiscate all your nuts, you pokey hamster.)
yeah, and during match, Angie and I crashed into each other.
Her shin is damn super mighty hard. Mine totally bruised now.
LOL. Baby helped rub a bit to clear off the bruise after training and it's painful like siao.
All the kind souls out there, donate your shin to me please. rarh.
and I have to admit, training's good.
The feel of adrenaline rushing all over is seriously overwhelming whenever I'm kicking with the girls. But somehow, I think I'm losing confidence. and coach spotted this I guess.
Tell me what to do someone. I can't "bend it like beckham". *sigh*
and guys, I'm no longer performaning for J1 bash already.
I'm sorry Fazall, really sorry for the last minute notice.
Don't wanna strain my legs anymore cause friendly matches are hitting pretty soon.
yupps. Not sure if I'm going for J1 bash anyway.
If my bffs are going, then probably I'll turn up too.
Caught house bunny today. I think blondes are damn dumb, but they're gorgeous-looking.
ehehehehehehehe. but some looks really "plastic".
okay, movie was worth the watch !
today gave baby a surprise.
Asked Zhiwei to pass him his present early in the morning when I told him I was still sleeping.
He still thought who so good give him present early in the morning lea. NOOB.
glad he's feeling okay already. nono, is super okay cause still can tickle me all the way. -.-
Anyway, thanks Zhiwei !
Now that there's no more lessons, leaving only pw and training,
I've been spending most of my time either at home rotting, chew on my book or out with baby.
Yeah, like baby said, it's either I go fetch to him or he comes to fetch me.
and I'm so glad he actually remembers almost everything I say.
Don't worry baby, whatever happens, I'll be your pillar of strength through it all. (:
and keep in mind that you're mine too.
Here's some random photos we took days ago.
Chocolate fondue @swensons !


.. . .
must must must go try it.
Worth its price ! Okay, Ima go sleep before baby chews off my head tomorrow.
I'm feeling: Chirpy.
Music of the day: Now or never -HSM
Hello earthlings ! I am soooooo lethargic ever since yesterday's training session.
Hrgh. It was quite a good one, considering it's the first time I played a striker.
(and yaaaa Mak, the way I kick is not funny. -.-
you'd better apologise or I'll confiscate all your nuts, you pokey hamster.)
yeah, and during match, Angie and I crashed into each other.
Her shin is damn super mighty hard. Mine totally bruised now.
LOL. Baby helped rub a bit to clear off the bruise after training and it's painful like siao.
All the kind souls out there, donate your shin to me please. rarh.
and I have to admit, training's good.
The feel of adrenaline rushing all over is seriously overwhelming whenever I'm kicking with the girls. But somehow, I think I'm losing confidence. and coach spotted this I guess.
Tell me what to do someone. I can't "bend it like beckham". *sigh*
and guys, I'm no longer performaning for J1 bash already.
I'm sorry Fazall, really sorry for the last minute notice.
Don't wanna strain my legs anymore cause friendly matches are hitting pretty soon.
yupps. Not sure if I'm going for J1 bash anyway.
If my bffs are going, then probably I'll turn up too.
Caught house bunny today. I think blondes are damn dumb, but they're gorgeous-looking.
ehehehehehehehe. but some looks really "plastic".
okay, movie was worth the watch !
today gave baby a surprise.
Asked Zhiwei to pass him his present early in the morning when I told him I was still sleeping.
He still thought who so good give him present early in the morning lea. NOOB.
glad he's feeling okay already. nono, is super okay cause still can tickle me all the way. -.-
Anyway, thanks Zhiwei !
Now that there's no more lessons, leaving only pw and training,
I've been spending most of my time either at home rotting, chew on my book or out with baby.
Yeah, like baby said, it's either I go fetch to him or he comes to fetch me.
and I'm so glad he actually remembers almost everything I say.
Don't worry baby, whatever happens, I'll be your pillar of strength through it all. (:
and keep in mind that you're mine too.
Here's some random photos we took days ago.
Chocolate fondue @swensons !


.. . .
must must must go try it.
Worth its price ! Okay, Ima go sleep before baby chews off my head tomorrow.
I'm feeling: Chirpy.
Music of the day: Now or never -HSM
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