The more I think, the more I get confused.
The more I think, the more I wonder if I should be rejoiced.
The more I think, the more I ponder why.
fuck. I want to sleep but I can't.
someone should just kick me in my stomach now or punch me hard so I'll just black out till the next morning, or maybe, for eternity.
Wanted to talk to Dionna Lee but guess she's sleeping since she's no longer online.
hushh. nevermind. cheerup k dear girl? We have a lot of heart-to-heart talk to do.
Fadhli's not replying me all of a sudden either.
Haiya, I shall go indulge in some belgium chocolates while reading my new book.
Hopefully I'll fall asleep some time soon and say byebye to insomnia or I'll need to go to Dr Ethel's house for some therapy some time next week.
Tomorrow will be a better day.
I'm feeling: frustrated
music of the day: 你走天橋 我走地下道-何維健
{tag replies}
Huimeng: aiai, call me anytime soon k. :(
Catherine: hello cat, thanks a lot. you too. stop your shopping !
Ethel: I'll go your house sleepover sometime this week ! When's wave13 again?
Vivien: Hello bffff ! I'm bored. I need to hear some really loud laughter like yours now.
Junkai: Thanks buddy. You better study hard or I'll kick your ass while wearing my boots.
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