Yeah, the GSC international conference is finally over. Been spending these two days at the national library listening to professors and researchers talk about Mr TanKahKee and Dr LeeKongChian, two great pioneers. The presentation of the 11 papers were rather boring as it was too high a level for us to understand. and Weixin, Meishan, Dionna and I were the only youths around. The rest were all old uncles and aunties and some of them were really weird, especially the aunty who kept on pestering people for contacts because she's an insurance agent. zzz. Meishan slept a lot, Weixin stoned a lot, Dionna sms-ed a lot, and I doodled a lot.
Crapped up w two poems and some random drawings.
o1. Distant
"In love, there's nothing fair",
undoubtedly, I woud say.
Sometimes, I wish to share,
but often, my thoughts sway.
So exhausted, I couldn't bear,
How I wish that you would stay.
and if you sincerely care,
I'll disregard the costs to pay.
Till the day you're finally there,
my rainbow fades away.
o2. Grey
Black keys, white keys;
The piano and her saddening lullabies.
Black walls, white candle;
The loneliness and her silent cries.
Black lies, white scars;
The hurt and her screaming "bye"s.
Yupps, and photos can be viewed in my SHUTTERFLY but I've included an exclusive photo of KEKMEISHAN over here. She pratically slept through the whole of yesterday and today's presentations. Good job kek ! :D

Well, baby's at Malaysia now. It's seems pretty long that we haven't met although he came to fetch me from library yesterday night, guess it's just that we haven't been talking/ seeing each other like how we used to see each other everyday. It's alright, I'm a big girl and I'm learning to takecare of myself when baby's not around. So to take my mind off him and to prevent myself from being emo, I went for retail therapy today after the heritage tour. Total costs on receipts add up to $72.55.
I know I'm a shopping queen,
don't have to remind me.
Becks feeling sleepy;
signing out, xoxo.
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