Sometimes, I really hate myself for putting too much stress on myself, so much so that to a point whereby I get depressed and then I spoil my baby's day. Stressed up because of not keeping up w the progress or my own personal expectations, because I'm not playing well enough for the team, because I'm scared I'll flunk my As and get to nowhere, stress over this and that ... But I'm really really thankful for my baby who never fails to stay by my side, giving me words of encouragement, telling me we can make it through these hurdles together and that he'll never give me up. True enough, he never once left me alone to "emo-one-corner". He'll always be around somewhere, somehow. His blog post wrote:
Baby: jiayou k? Can see you are really tired while studying for your tests, can feel your pain when u complain to me that your ankle hurts alot, my heart really do ache.. But, its ok!:) Chaoren Laogong is with you all the way !:)
See what I mean when I say he's really the sweetest of all. Everytime I felt like skipping school, it'll naturally occur to me that I shouldn't because baby is going through the same agony as me so I shouldn't "relac-one-corner" and leave him to suffer all alone. Everytime I'm upset, I have his arms to help me regain my faith and strength. Perhaps, this is what keeps me, or rather, us, going on. I guess I feel what "Love makes the world go round" really means... and no matter what happens in the future, this superhubby will always be a part of me.
Thank you for everything you've given me. :)
Becks' feeling cherished;
signing out, xoxo.
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