Mawai Camp was fun, fun and more FUN.
taaddaaaaa! I survived the camp. Mawai Camp, Kota Tinggi, Malaysia! wanna know what were some stupid stuffs that we did? read on!
First day when we setoff, some of us were kinda reluctant to go, while some others were super excited. Then we were quite rowdy at the singapore checkpoint. Then here comes the "act big" policeman or whoever there said something like: "This is a checkpoint you know, not a zoo. All like monkies! ", but, lol, who cares! When we reached Mawai and went down the bus, all of us thought we've reached the campsite. The weird thing is, the campsite is nowhere to be seen. Then our two superb instructors ZheBin, and TohWee, one of them told us that we need to take a ferry and cross the river to reach the campsite. All of us were so excited. We went, omg-ing, crossing the river that was filled with giant catfish, crocodiles, or whatsoever weird creatures. hahaha. Then in the end, all of us were so disappointed when we thought we could go around and sail along the river, but turn out, the boat ride took only a few minutes. diaodiaodiao. super anti-climax.

iinstructor ZheBiin nnd TohWee .
I was so amazed when I saw the campsite and wondered how the Orang Aslis built the campsite with all the logs and everything. You cannot see a single wall there. Then we made our own bed with the green green canvas thing. really different experience. After we have settled down, my group "Benjamin" challenged the water obstacles. It was really fun to see your fellow friends falling into the water! but at the same time we really gelled together and helped one another. I must mention Zhengrong and Kevin for helping me cross the Asli bridge. Poor WenJie fell when he tried to 100m sprint across that thiin pole. His stomach hit the pole so hard. damn scary. hope he's fiine. and bloody unfair! We couldn't get Joanna into the waters! She only played a few obstacles! I played all ohkaay! whee! x]]. applause for me please! THANK YOU. LOL.
woot! After that game, we went to washup. I must say the toilet was FANTASTIC. ZhuanqYi and I were the first girls to checkout the toilet. We got so shocked when we went into the cubicle and closed the door. Almost in every cubicle there were ants or flies or lizards hiding behind it. very very gross, that I can assure you. but that's jungle life, so even though we were complaining as we bathed, we had to make do with whatever stuffs that we had with us. We can't possibly not bathe for the 4 days right! Campfire preparation up next. My job was simple. buahahaha. Then we had to watch this dumb movie. I didn't exactly watched it because I was practically asleep after 5 minutes of the movie screening. bleahhh. Then when I woke up, vicknesh thought I was drunk, so they helped me to the cookhouse. wahaha. I'm lousy! So be it.
Rise and shine for a brand new day. I was looking forward to the day's activities. Benjamin went for the audeline trail and we learnt many junqle survival skills, saw the bunkers that were built during ww2. We went into one of the bunkers but failed to understand what the carvings on the walls meant. We also played the Mawai Team challenge after that. Of course, my dear Benjamin won all the games! hahas. all hail benjamin ! we scored 60 over points for the first activity while the rest of the groups scored 50plus, 30 or 20 plus. wahaha. and then the rope game where we had to tie two knots with two short ropes, we managed to figure out how to tie the knots without TohWee having to tell us the answer! I know we were awesome. Then the climax of the day, swamp forest walk! oohhh. all the muddy muddy grounds, and the leeches in the river. gross but fun! contradicting right? here I have to mention MrChewChonMun for holding me and walk me back on the stupid muddy grounds. Thanks boy. My shoes didn't get stuck in the mud ohkaayy! pro horhh!
whoo! At night we went for the river cruise and watched the fireflies when we were on the boat. All the stupid gay parties were going on. hahaha! and then I think when we were looking at the bunkers along the river, I saw some some supernatural beings; the Japanese soldiers were patrolling over a small small upland ground next to the bunker. It was darn scary but I didn't tell anyone bacause I didn't wanna scare anybody, including myself! Maybe it was just my hallucination.
During supper, we had to nominate the campfire emcees. I got sabo-edd! Luckily I didn't win the most number of votes. I love democracy. ehehe. YiLing and Mizrahi got the task. niehehe.
lalala. third day. we climbed the Gunung Arong mountain. woahh! Our school was incredible. The instructor estimated 2 and a half hours of climb for us to reach the summit but we only took 50 minutes. we were good. hahahas. When we were going down the mountain, it was so much more difficult. The terrain was so steep. This time, I walked with MrChewChonMun again, ofcourse not forgetting Roland, Gabriel, Zhengliang and JianHao. They were the few ppl in front or behind me. Had a great time up there and we sang to kept ourselves entertained. We laughed at one another and played around. hahh! All the leaders managed to conquer the mountain. We left noone behindd. Give ourselves a round of applause! *claps*

us at the mountaiin top .
Then the instructors challenged kameliah, sara and me, the three girl guides. They wanted us to set up the campfire. When I saw the wood, I almost fainted. The wood was totally different from what we used in campchristine. We had a really hard time figuring the methods to setup the campfire. In the end, we managed to setup the fire with the help of ZheBin and TohWee. ahahaha. have to thank them for teaching us the methods and skills. We didn't join guides for nothing! bahahaha. then we played the stupid yet fun game during campfire. The "long jiang pass" showdown. Jokes cracking around, like what "jianhao's bird cannot stand." hahahas. we were crazy ppl. nono, we ARE crazy people.
Our last day at camp. All of us carried out some activities like the game where we have to build a craft to protect the egg. Benjamin was not slacking. Though we lost to Abraham, we were not grumbling about it. We still carried on to have fun and everything. Until when we left the campsite after the lunch, all of us were kinda upset. we couldn't bear to leave that place. but stil, all good things must have an end. So we left the campsite with a heavy heart and my dearest group, Benjamin, was awarded the best camp group. So, "yaaayy" is all I can say. Cheers to my fellow Benjamins.
To sum it all, I've learnt a lot from this camp and I'm sure all of us who attended the camp have also learnt. We went through the mosquito bitings together, the crazy weather together, the pushups together. Everything we have been through will definitely be left as memories in us. I'm sure we were really gelled together after this camp and I hope the spirit in my fellow sec3 councillors will carry on. I really missed the jungle life, and if we have a chance to go back to the camp again, we shall be back next year as instructors for our juniors! lovelovelove Mawai Camp.
First day when we setoff, some of us were kinda reluctant to go, while some others were super excited. Then we were quite rowdy at the singapore checkpoint. Then here comes the "act big" policeman or whoever there said something like: "This is a checkpoint you know, not a zoo. All like monkies! ", but, lol, who cares! When we reached Mawai and went down the bus, all of us thought we've reached the campsite. The weird thing is, the campsite is nowhere to be seen. Then our two superb instructors ZheBin, and TohWee, one of them told us that we need to take a ferry and cross the river to reach the campsite. All of us were so excited. We went, omg-ing, crossing the river that was filled with giant catfish, crocodiles, or whatsoever weird creatures. hahaha. Then in the end, all of us were so disappointed when we thought we could go around and sail along the river, but turn out, the boat ride took only a few minutes. diaodiaodiao. super anti-climax.
iinstructor ZheBiin nnd TohWee .
I was so amazed when I saw the campsite and wondered how the Orang Aslis built the campsite with all the logs and everything. You cannot see a single wall there. Then we made our own bed with the green green canvas thing. really different experience. After we have settled down, my group "Benjamin" challenged the water obstacles. It was really fun to see your fellow friends falling into the water! but at the same time we really gelled together and helped one another. I must mention Zhengrong and Kevin for helping me cross the Asli bridge. Poor WenJie fell when he tried to 100m sprint across that thiin pole. His stomach hit the pole so hard. damn scary. hope he's fiine. and bloody unfair! We couldn't get Joanna into the waters! She only played a few obstacles! I played all ohkaay! whee! x]]. applause for me please! THANK YOU. LOL.
woot! After that game, we went to washup. I must say the toilet was FANTASTIC. ZhuanqYi and I were the first girls to checkout the toilet. We got so shocked when we went into the cubicle and closed the door. Almost in every cubicle there were ants or flies or lizards hiding behind it. very very gross, that I can assure you. but that's jungle life, so even though we were complaining as we bathed, we had to make do with whatever stuffs that we had with us. We can't possibly not bathe for the 4 days right! Campfire preparation up next. My job was simple. buahahaha. Then we had to watch this dumb movie. I didn't exactly watched it because I was practically asleep after 5 minutes of the movie screening. bleahhh. Then when I woke up, vicknesh thought I was drunk, so they helped me to the cookhouse. wahaha. I'm lousy! So be it.
Rise and shine for a brand new day. I was looking forward to the day's activities. Benjamin went for the audeline trail and we learnt many junqle survival skills, saw the bunkers that were built during ww2. We went into one of the bunkers but failed to understand what the carvings on the walls meant. We also played the Mawai Team challenge after that. Of course, my dear Benjamin won all the games! hahas. all hail benjamin ! we scored 60 over points for the first activity while the rest of the groups scored 50plus, 30 or 20 plus. wahaha. and then the rope game where we had to tie two knots with two short ropes, we managed to figure out how to tie the knots without TohWee having to tell us the answer! I know we were awesome. Then the climax of the day, swamp forest walk! oohhh. all the muddy muddy grounds, and the leeches in the river. gross but fun! contradicting right? here I have to mention MrChewChonMun for holding me and walk me back on the stupid muddy grounds. Thanks boy. My shoes didn't get stuck in the mud ohkaayy! pro horhh!
whoo! At night we went for the river cruise and watched the fireflies when we were on the boat. All the stupid gay parties were going on. hahaha! and then I think when we were looking at the bunkers along the river, I saw some some supernatural beings; the Japanese soldiers were patrolling over a small small upland ground next to the bunker. It was darn scary but I didn't tell anyone bacause I didn't wanna scare anybody, including myself! Maybe it was just my hallucination.
During supper, we had to nominate the campfire emcees. I got sabo-edd! Luckily I didn't win the most number of votes. I love democracy. ehehe. YiLing and Mizrahi got the task. niehehe.
lalala. third day. we climbed the Gunung Arong mountain. woahh! Our school was incredible. The instructor estimated 2 and a half hours of climb for us to reach the summit but we only took 50 minutes. we were good. hahahas. When we were going down the mountain, it was so much more difficult. The terrain was so steep. This time, I walked with MrChewChonMun again, ofcourse not forgetting Roland, Gabriel, Zhengliang and JianHao. They were the few ppl in front or behind me. Had a great time up there and we sang to kept ourselves entertained. We laughed at one another and played around. hahh! All the leaders managed to conquer the mountain. We left noone behindd. Give ourselves a round of applause! *claps*
us at the mountaiin top .
Then the instructors challenged kameliah, sara and me, the three girl guides. They wanted us to set up the campfire. When I saw the wood, I almost fainted. The wood was totally different from what we used in campchristine. We had a really hard time figuring the methods to setup the campfire. In the end, we managed to setup the fire with the help of ZheBin and TohWee. ahahaha. have to thank them for teaching us the methods and skills. We didn't join guides for nothing! bahahaha. then we played the stupid yet fun game during campfire. The "long jiang pass" showdown. Jokes cracking around, like what "jianhao's bird cannot stand." hahahas. we were crazy ppl. nono, we ARE crazy people.
Our last day at camp. All of us carried out some activities like the game where we have to build a craft to protect the egg. Benjamin was not slacking. Though we lost to Abraham, we were not grumbling about it. We still carried on to have fun and everything. Until when we left the campsite after the lunch, all of us were kinda upset. we couldn't bear to leave that place. but stil, all good things must have an end. So we left the campsite with a heavy heart and my dearest group, Benjamin, was awarded the best camp group. So, "yaaayy" is all I can say. Cheers to my fellow Benjamins.
To sum it all, I've learnt a lot from this camp and I'm sure all of us who attended the camp have also learnt. We went through the mosquito bitings together, the crazy weather together, the pushups together. Everything we have been through will definitely be left as memories in us. I'm sure we were really gelled together after this camp and I hope the spirit in my fellow sec3 councillors will carry on. I really missed the jungle life, and if we have a chance to go back to the camp again, we shall be back next year as instructors for our juniors! lovelovelove Mawai Camp.
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