Saturday, December 01, 2007


I'm having this urge to blog but I don't know what to blog about, considering the fact that this blog is opened to all to view. Haha. I'm listening to Ashley Simpson's l.o.v.e and it goes "I'm talking bout love." What a coincidence. But then, I don't want to talk about love. It's too much of a headache and I just conferenced with girlfriends two days ago about this. Nevermind...

Was talking to WeeTheng just now. He told me how different Poly life is from Secondary School's. He said it's just school, home, school, home. No extra stuffs to enjoy like P.E lessons and all. Come to think of it, when we're in Sec school, we complain there's too much unnecessary activities but when we leave to a new phase in life, we complain that life's a bore. I can still recall scenes of our class playing floorball all the time during p.e lessons and I would just sit in a corner and watch them play, sometimes even laugh at their silly actions.
  • Paperball throwing after every test/exam.
  • Flying paper aeroplanes.
  • Playing crickets in class using broom and whatever litter.
  • Singing together in groups.
  • Gathering at Alvin and Wongwei's table for nothing.
  • WWE fighting going on during every recess.
  • Imitating our teachers. *toot*
  • Singing along with Miz playing to guitar. (The lion sleeps tonight)
  • Birthday celebrations.
  • Seeing who's late for school every morning.
  • Getting irritated at the councillors for asking us to go down to parade square.
  • Rushing down for weekly assemly cause we're always late.
  • Observing one another during boring lessons.
  • Entertaining ourselves during boring lessons.
  • Dragging guys into the girls' toilet that's just next door.
  • Scribbling nonsense on each other's notes.
  • Completing homework during lessons.
  • Sleeping on the chairs.
  • Someone who always needs to scream to get the attention of the class.
  • SzeJin who comes to school with fooooooood.
  • Tony and Qingqing always asking me to send them songs.
  • Guiqing always drawing on the whiteboard.
  • Always hearing MissSoh's heels before seeing her.

Too many to be listed. So many many many little things that we do but there's no way the brain can auto-delete all these memories. Somehow or other, I'll always get reminded of the little things that the phoenixes did. It's quite scary to hear seniors talking about how rare it is for them to meet up with one another. I guess when time comes, it'll be our turn. Nonetheless, I'm thankful that I didn't opt for a transfer into 4e6 when I was in Sec 3. If not, I guess I wouldn't have met such a lovely group of people, a wonderful MissSunshine, and be part of the phoenixes. Let's welcome whatever that's about to come. Goodbye YTSS! (:(: this is sort of a late post for graduation.


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